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PATFA Constitution and Bylaws

Following are the constitution and bylaws of the Part-time Faculty Association of Maine (PATFA), Local 4593, American Federation of Teachers. It was most recently amended at Annual Meeting in May 2023. Following is the complete text:



This organization shall be known as the Part-time Faculty Association of Maine (PATFA), American Federation of Teachers, Local 4593, AFT-Maine, AFL-CIO.


The purpose of this organization shall be:

Section 1. To uphold the dignity and integrity of part-time faculty members in the University of Maine System.

Section 2. To promote the general welfare of the membership.

Section 3. To improve the conditions of all part-time faculty in the University of Maine System by securing the support essential to the best professional service.

Section 4. To reinforce the commitment of members to the significant and growing role of part-time faculty in the University of Maine System by communicating information about their rights and responsibilities to supervisors, full-time faculty members, colleagues, other University of Maine System organizations, and the System’s leadership.

Section 5. To serve as an advocate for all part-time faculty in the University System through publicity, informal communication, formal grievances, use of mass and social media, and participation in the public arena.

Section 6. To bargain collectively on behalf of all eligible part-time faculty members in the University of Maine System.


Section 1. Part-time faculty members of the University of Maine System are eligible for membership. Membership is classified two ways:

a) Active members: All part-time faculty members in the System who teach credit courses or credit-equivalent developmental or basic courses and activities and who are not part of another recognized bargaining unit within the System.

b) Associate members: All those persons who have taught in the University of Maine System who will no longer teach on a part-time basis but who maintain an interest in the objectives of this organization.

Section 2. Supervisory personnel shall not obtain membership. Members who are promoted to supervisory positions automatically are removed from membership on the effective date of the promotion.

Section 3. Faculty members in public or private institutions outside the jurisdiction of this Local may affiliate with or be admitted to membership until such time as a Local is chartered in their jurisdiction.

Section 4. All active members shall have equal rights and privileges. No discrimination shall be shown individual members or applicants for membership because of age, color, race, religious faith, national origin, sex, sexual preference, marital status, or political activities or beliefs.

Section 5. A member may be expelled for acts detrimental to PATFA/AFT upon presentation of written charges signed by at least 10 active PATFA members and approved by at least three-fourths of the Executive Council at a hearing where both sides are represented. The member shall have the right to appeal the decision to the membership at the following Annual Meeting and shall be reinstated with full rights if a majority of members present vote to reinstate.

Section 6. A member may resign in writing.


Section 1. The seven universities within the System shall each be eligible for designation of one or more PATFA campus representatives. The campus representatives will promote and assist the formation and growth of membership and coordinate with the Executive Council in carrying out goals.

Section 2. Each campus representative will be designated by the president and may participate in Executive Council discussions but may not vote on council matters. Each will serve at the discretion of the council.


Section 1. The following officers shall compose the Executive Council and shall be elected biennially by the membership.

a) President
b) Vice president
c) Treasurer
d) Secretary

Section 2. Membership in good standing for at least one year is required to hold office except during the first three years after the chartering of this Local.

Section 3. Nominations for each position may be made in writing to the Executive Council at least 30 days before the Annual Meeting or nominations may be made from the floor during the Annual Meeting. After nominations are closed, the Annual Meeting shall choose a three-member ballot committee to oversee the election, including the counting of the secret ballots. No current Executive Council officer or nominated candidate shall serve on the committee.

Section 4. If all four positions are uncontested after nominations are closed at Annual Meeting, members may vote immediately by secret ballot. If one or more positions are contested, election of officers shall take place no more than one month after the Annual Meeting. A secret ballot shall be sent to all members. The candidate for each of the four positions receiving a plurality of the votes cast shall be declared elected. In case of a tie, a coin toss shall decide the winner.

Section 5. Officers shall be installed immediately after voting has concluded, ballots have been counted, and the current Executive Council notified.

Section 6. The president shall preside at all meetings of PATFA/AFT and of the Executive Council. The president shall be ex officio member of all committees, except the audit committee, shall sign all necessary papers and documents, and represent the Local when and where necessary. The president shall make a report to the membership at least once each year summarizing the accomplishments of PATFA/AFT and outlining plans for the next year.

Section 7. The vice president shall perform all duties of the president in the absence of that officer.

Section 8. The duties of the treasurer shall be:

a) To receive, to record, and deposit in the name of PATFA/AFT all monies from dues and all other sources.

b) To keep the membership roll and other appropriate lists regarding members, to issue receipts and delinquency notices.

c) To forward all per capita dues and current membership lists to the national office of the American Federation of Teachers and to other affiliated organizations to keep the Local in good standing at all times. Special care shall be taken to see that the per capita tax through June 30 is sent to the national office no later than 15 days prior to the opening date of the national convention to make sure delegates from this Local may be seated.

d) To keep adequate records available at all times for Executive Council and the audit committee.

e) To pay all bills authorized by the Executive Council, retaining voucher or invoice for same.

Section 9. An audit committee composed of PATFA members shall be appointed at each Annual Meeting to audit the treasurer’s books and yearly treasurer’s report. It shall present its yearly report to the membership.

Section 10. The duties of the secretary shall be:

To issue all notices, answer correspondence at the direction of the president and the Executive Council, record the minutes of the Executive Council and of the general membership meetings, and maintain the PATFA website and administer other media as directed by the council.

Section 11. Vacancies in any office shall be filled by the Executive Council.

Section 12. The president may organize and appoint committees from among the membership. Each shall be charged with a specific task and shall report to the Executive Council. The president shall be ex officio member of each committee, except any audit or ballot committee. No action of a committee shall establish a policy of this organization unless it has been submitted to the Executive Council or approved by a majority of the members present at Annual Meeting.


Section 1. The Executive Council of PATFA/AFT shall consist of the president, vice president, treasurer, and secretary. Campus representatives may participate in council discussions but may not vote on council actions.

Section 2. The Executive Council shall administer the policy of this union as set by the membership at its Annual Meeting. It shall have the power to act for the good of the union in emergencies where the policy cannot by set by the membership. The membership shall be given the opportunity to review emergency actions.

Section 3. The chairperson of the Executive Council shall be the president of the Local.

Section 4. The president shall call Executive Council meetings as needed, but with consideration of the council members’ schedules and travel distances. The Executive Council shall also meet if at least two members request it. Council members may conduct business via email or other digital technologies when appropriate.

Section 5. The Executive Council shall have the power to employ all personnel including an executive secretary, clerical help, and other persons on a full- or part-time basis as may be determined by needs and finances of the Local.

Section 6. The Executive Council shall have power to make contracts and incur liabilities which may be appropriate to enable it to accomplish any or all of its purposes; to borrow money for Local purposes at such rates of interest and terms or conditions as they may determine; to issue notes, bonds, and other obligations by mortgage, pledge, or deed of trust of all or any of its property or income.

Section 7. The Executive Council shall report its activities at each membership meeting.


Section 1. The specific time and place of the Annual Meeting shall be fixed by the Executive Council.

Section 2. A quorum at any membership meeting shall consist of 11 active members.

Section 3. The president may call a special meeting after complying with the notice requirement below.

Section 4. Notice of the time and place of any special meeting and the purpose or purposes of such meeting shall be sent to each member via email and announced on the PATFA website no fewer than 10 calendar days prior to the meeting.


Section 1. Regular dues shall be set by majority vote of members present at any Annual Meeting provided that the change sought has been announced at least 30 days prior to the meeting.

Section 2. Additional finances may be obtained by various fund-raising activities.


Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern in all cases not covered by the constitution or the bylaws of this Local.


Section 1. This constitution may be amended as follows:

a) Proposed amendments must be submitted to the Executive Council. The Executive Council may initiate amendments.

b) After having received a majority vote of the Executive Council, the amendment shall be submitted to the membership.

c) A majority vote of those members present at the Annual Meeting shall be sufficient for adoption.


Section 1. Three copies of this Constitution and all future amendments shall be submitted to the national office of the American Federation of Teachers.

Section 2. Copies shall be made available to other affiliated organizations upon request.

Section 3. Copies shall be available for any members of PATFA/AFT upon request to the secretary.

Section 4. An up-to-date copy shall be posted on the PATFA website.



Section 1. The dues year shall be from September 1 through August 31.

Section 2. Dues may be paid directly to the Treasurer or by dues check-off (salary deduction).


Section 1. Bargained contracts between the University of Maine System and PATFA/AFT shall be ratified by a majority vote of the membership using secret ballot. Each member shall be provided a summary of the proposed terms agreed to in negotiations and reported by the Local president. The summary shall be sent to each member via email and included in the mailing of the ratification ballot.


Section 1. PATFA/AFT shall maintain affiliation with and send delegates whenever possible to the following organizations:

a) The American Federation of Teachers: All delegates and alternates to any national convention of the AFT shall be elected by majority vote at the Annual Meeting. Notice of PATFA’s allocated share of delegates shall be publicized to the membership at least 10 days before the Annual Meeting. Members who want to be considered for the delegation must indicate their interest via email to the secretary of PATFA at least 3 days before the Annual Meeting. PATFA is under no obligation to pay the travel, room, and board expenses of delegates and alternates. But the Executive Council shall decide any amounts it can afford and deems appropriate to support such attendance. The Executive Council shall certify the delegate election and forward the credentials for all elected delegates and alternates to the AFT national office as soon as possible but not later than 10 days before the convening of the national convention. The delegates shall confer with the treasurer to make sure the AFT per capita through June has been sent to the national office at least 15 days before the convening of the biennial convention.

b) The Maine AFL-CIO and the state labor councils: The Executive Council may appoint delegates to represent PATFA at state and regional conventions and meetings.

Section 2. All delegates shall make reports to the Executive Council on meetings attended.

Section 3. Every reasonable effort shall be made by the Local to pay the legitimate expenses of delegates to meetings and conventions of affiliated organizations.

Constitution and Bylaws, as revised most recently at Annual Meeting, May 13, 2023.

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