1. Who is covered by “PATFA”? The Part-time Faculty Association of Maine represents the 1,800 adjuncts (part-time faculty members) who teach in any of the seven universities within the University of Maine System.
2. What is PATFA? It is a union Local (No. 4593) of the American Federation of Teachers, which is affiliated with the American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO).
3. What does PATFA do? It is contractually obligated to negotiate with the University of Maine System on behalf of part-time faculty. In other words, PATFA is the sole bargaining agent for adjuncts (meaning the System can negotiate with no other entity on part-time faculty issues). And PATFA must bargain with the System. The result is a 32-page contract that covers adjuncts on such issues as pay, grievances, tuition waivers, evaluations, and working conditions.
4. Who qualifies as an “adjunct”? The System considers adjuncts “unit members” if 1) they teach credit courses or credit-equivalent developmental or basic courses; 2) have been doing so for at least two of the four most recent fall or spring semesters; and 3) are employed in the current semester. (Summers do not count.) Teaching live or online makes no difference in status. You are not considered an adjunct if you teach at the UM School of Law, are a professional staff member at one of the seven universities, or are a graduate student who is serving as a teaching assistant.
5. I’m just in my first or second semester. Does that mean I’m not covered by the PATFA contract? ALL adjuncts are covered by the contract, but the System does not count you as a “unit member” until the third semester.
6. Do I have to join PATFA? No. An adjunct who is a PATFA member enjoys additional benefits, supports collective bargaining for our contract with the System, helps pay for communication with a widespread membership, and votes on PATFA matters. Members are eligible to apply for PATFA professional development funds as well as PATFA and AFT scholarships for their children.
7. How much are dues? The System deducts dues from paychecks in installments of $20 each in September, October, November and December and in February, March, April and May.
8. Does PATFA do more than bargain for a contract? Yes. Through its officers and campus representatives, PATFA works to protect individual unit members’ interests and rights. This includes working with administrators to solve problems, filing grievances, and communicating with full-time faculty, administrators, and part-time faculty members about adjuncts’ rights and responsibilities. Under the contract, PATFA cannot strike and the System cannot lock out adjunct faculty. PATFA works to resolve problems and enhance the work environment for all System adjuncts.
9. Which universities are involved in “the System”? The University of Maine, Orono; the University of Maine at Fort Kent; the University of Maine at Presque Isle; the University of Maine at Machias; the University of Maine at Farmington; the University of Southern Maine (with campuses in Gorham, Portland and Lewiston-Auburn); and the University of Maine at Augusta (which has campuses in Bangor and Augusta and various UMA Centers around the state).
10. Does the PATFA contract cover work at the Maine Community College System? No.
11. What do I need to know my first semester teaching part-time at one of Maine’s public universities?
A) Your supervisor should give you the official assignment about the specific job you are hired for at least 30 days before the start of the semester (but exceptions are allowed for last-minute course changes). All part-time faculty members are entitled to a faculty ID card; an @maine.edu email account; “normal access” to campus libraries; “normal access at reasonable times” to university instructional media facilities and equipment and duplicating equipment for teaching-related use; clerical assistance (with limits); and “normal access” to campus athletic facilities. Article 23 of the PATFA contract has details.
B) You must fill out an “availability form” (available as an appendix to the 2023-26 contract) Return it to your immediate supervisor, who keeps it in your personnel file. The form indicates the times you are available for work. You should update it annually.
C) You shall be paid $150 when you complete University-mandated annual compliance training, with payments processed twice a year.
D) You shall be paid “an amount at least equivalent to $20 per each full hour” of mandatory administrative training.
E) You shall be paid for service on graduate thesis and dissertation committees, with the minimum for one (1) credit hour per semester. Service on undergraduate honors thesis committees shall pay $500 (for advisers, but split if co-advising) and $150 for service on an undergraduate honors thesis committee.
12. What does the System keep in my personnel file? When you are hired, your supervisor is supposed to start a file that contains: A) an updated individual curriculum vitae (a résumé); B) all written evaluations; C) your Availability Form and notices of official teaching assignments; and D) any written reprimands, but no anonymous or unattributed materials. You have a right to inspect the file. Your supervisor and/or Human Resources are contact points for access to the file.
13. Will I be evaluated? Adjuncts are evaluated in each campus and in each department where they teach “to maintain and promote academic standards and to assess qualifications and competency,” according to the PATFA contract. Every course concludes with students filling out evaluations. The PATFA contract calls for written evaluations by faculty or department or divisional chairs to be done every fourth semester. The evaluation shall include an overall finding of “satisfactory,” “needs improvement,” or “not satisfactory.” The university is supposed to tell you about evaluation criteria and procedures when you are appointed and at the beginning of the semester in which you are to be evaluated. If you don’t know the criteria, ask your supervisor.
14. What is “the contract” and is it different for full-time faculty members? The “contract” is the bargaining agreement between PATFA and the System. Full-time faculty members, classified employees, professional staff members, and other employees in the System are covered by different contracts.
15. Where can I get a copy of the contract? The 2023-26 version is available through the University of Maine System website, https://www.maine.edu/human-resources/labor-relations/.
16. How can I find out my rank, my seniority, and my pay? Ask your supervisor, check your paycheck stub, and look at the PATFA contract. The contract defines three important components: A) “service units” (essentially one Fall or Spring semester equals one service unit); B) “service lists” (essentially a campus-based seniority list); and C) “rank” (usually as Lecturer I, II, or III or Instructor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Professor – each with a distinctive pay scale). Your monthly paycheck stub will list your rank. Article 19 of the contract gives specific minima per credit hour.
17. How do I get paid? By direct deposit on the last business day of the month. Fall semester adjuncts are paid four times (September through December). Spring semester adjuncts are paid five times (January through May). Summer adjuncts are paid based on length of their courses.
18. Can I have my pay divided over 12 months? Only if you are eligible for and accept an “Academic Year Appointment.” More about that below.
19. What is an AYA or a 2AYA (Academic Year Appointment)? Available to adjuncts who have earned at least 16 “service units” (16 Fall or Spring semesters) and who have taught at least two courses in each of the previous six semesters. The appointment means the adjunct agrees to teach whichever course the appointing university assigns; in turn, the appointing university agrees to offer to that adjunct at least two courses per semester for one or two academic years. Adjuncts with an AYA or two-year AYA may be asked to serve on academic committees or perform related tasks. AYAs also allow you to pay a lower health insurance premium if you are buying insurance through the System.
20. Will my university let me know if I am entitled to a new rank? The university is required to notify you when you are approaching eligibility for advancement in Lecturer rank. Sometimes supervisors are unaware that you are about to become eligible for a change in status. A wise choice is to keep track of your status as well as the contract’s options, and to alert your supervisor when you believe you are eligible for a change in status (for example, from Lecturer I to Lecturer II, which pays more per credit hour).
21. Does pay per course differ among the seven universities? No. If it does, let PATFA know.
22. May I teach as many courses as possible? Article 14 says: “Without specific written authorization from the administrators of the employing units, no unit member shall accept the assignment of courses in a semester that would be considered a full-time load, irrespective of the number of campuses or departments or divisions offering assignments.” On the other hand, you cannot be compelled to accept assignment of more than one course per semester if you so choose.
23. Can the university withhold my assigned course from online registration until other course sections are filled? Article 12 says: “Course sections assigned to unit members shall be identified with the unit member’s name in all registration materials. A course section assigned to a unit member may be withheld from registration until other course sections are filled but only through mutual agreement by the unit member and appropriate administrator.”
24. Am I eligible for health care insurance? Maybe. The System is required to offer group health insurance coverage up to the level of family coverage to adjuncts who teach two or more courses per semester and who have earned six “service units” (semesters). If you are eligible, the System will pay 60 percent of the premium cost. Some dental coverage is offered, too. The System will pay 65 percent of the premium for adjuncts who have academic-year appointments.
25. Am I eligible for retirement benefits? Adjuncts who have earned at least 25 “service units” (semesters) are eligible for a defined contribution plan through TIAA. The adjunct’s 4 percent contribution is matched by 10 percent from the System for any Fall or Spring semester in which the adjunct is employed by the System.
26. Do I get any break on tuition? Yes. A) Each adjunct who completes a semester teaching at least one course accrues a tuition waiver at a System university of up to 4 credit hours per course. The waiver must be used within 12 months of being earned, and it can apply to summer courses. B) The spouse or dependent children of adjuncts are eligible for a waiver of 65 percent tuition (effective Fall 2024) if they attend a System university full time. This does not apply to mini-courses or non-semester and summer courses. C) The spouse or dependent children of adjuncts designated part-time regular are eligible for a 65 percent tuition waiver (effective Fall 2024) at a System university if attending full time. This does not apply to mini-courses, summer sessions, or other non-semester offerings.
27. Do I get reimbursed for use of my car? Usually, only if the adjunct is on assigned or approved university business. The rate is based on what the state of Maine pays for reimbursement. The round trip must exceed 30 miles. The reimbursement is calculated from either the assigning campus or the adjunct’s residence, whichever distance is closer, to the assigned non-campus location.
28. Do I have to pay to park my car on campus? Several campuses have free parking. Under the contract, adjuncts shall not pay more than the following amounts for an academic year parking fee: University of Maine $35. University of Southern Maine $25. University of Maine at Presque Isle $10.
29. Do I get a work space or a telephone? A) Work space. Maybe. The contract says, “Unit members will be available to students for consultation and assistance.” The hiring university is supposed to make reasonable efforts to help adjuncts obtain “appropriate facilities” for teaching-related responsibilities. “In the event that there is no faculty office space provided and/or no other appropriate university space is available, the expectation that unit members hold office hours may not apply. However, the obligation to be available to students for consultation and assistance remains a required faculty duty and may be accomplished in person, virtually, or by other means.” B) Phone. The contract does not specify anything about office phones. All adjuncts are assigned a System email address.
30. Do I earn any paid leave? You can be excused without loss of pay from classroom responsibilities for up to four consecutive days (excluding weekends) following the death of an immediate family member. Under a new state law, you are entitled to 40 hours of earned paid leave, which may be used for any reason, including unscheduled emergencies.
31. What are the grievance procedures for adjuncts? Grievance procedures are spelled out carefully in two and a half pages of the contract. In general, the contract presents a course of informal procedure followed by formal procedure. PATFA designates one of its members as a grievance officer. See Article 17 of the contract for details.
32. Can I be fired? Yes. The contract lays out your rights as well as the System’s rights. Essentially, the process is fivefold: A) oral reprimand; B) written reprimand; C) suspension with pay; D) suspension without pay; E) termination. See Article 18 of the contract for details.